"Debt fm Harold O'Connell Trust  659.97"
1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97
(Plant confusion)

The accounting trail 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 is a example of an accounting entanglement.

An accounting entanglement as the term is used here is the intentional planting of confusion and conflict in the accounting. Whoever controls the entanglement (the accountants) controls the people and assets that are entangled. Small numbers are used to make them appear insignificant, as if the issue were the amount.   The issue is that they entangle .  

The accounting trails at bk467p191 are covered with entanglements using small numbers. If you can recognize the dynamics in this clear and simple example you can recognise the same dynamics in the complicated entanglements. The patterns are the same.

The CPA Joanne Barnes and the Attorney Edward White created the 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 entanglement and made me appear responsible for it:

"2. The K-1 filed by the Trust showed a payment of $816.00 in interest to the estate. You sent a check in the amount of $1475.97 to the estate. What was the remaining $659.97? Do I have this confused with the tax debt/credit situation which ran from the Third Accounting?"
 (Attorney Edward White to Trustee, Anthony O'Connell, May 19, 1992)

The amount reported to the IRS on the K-1 should be the same as the amount reported to the Court. But the CPA reported $816.00 to the IRS and $1,475.97 to the Court. Because $1,475.97 was reported I had to pay $1,475.97.

One indicator of the significance of 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 is the degree that the accountants who created it, reported it, approved it, and framed me with it, don't recognize this accounting trail or any accounting trail for these numbers.